“Testament” by Kate Aubrey - Transparent Watercolor

Remember me saying how much I learned from Mike Bailey? (Getting Serious About Design, Sunday, May 30) Well, I got another boost from excellent artist, Jane Hofstetter (7 Keys to Great Paintings). Right in the middle of her demo last month, everything just went “click”...you know, the kind of “click” you feel everywhere in your body.

I went straight home and went to work on every painting I could get my hands on. “Testament” was one of them. I also started a new one of anthuria done wet-in-wet that almost finished itself, and I am so excited about painting again that I can’t believe it.

Oh. Hey. I know lots of you don’t believe it, but Everyone runs into those walls now and then no matter how much painting you’ve got under your belt. You reach a point where it seems like you’re always always making the same mistake over and over again or painting everything the same old way. For me it was the latter, and no, it’s not easy hauling yourself over those walls.

Why is it so hard? Because it’s time to learn something new, to think differently. It’s time to grow. And that requires not only effort but a fair amount of discomfort and frustration.

It’s worth it, though. I’m dreaming in colors I’ve never used before and planning paintings I couldn’t have imagined six months ago!

So no matter how thick and tall that wall is, climb it. No matter what. The view from the top is incredible!

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