



25 x 18”
Saunders Waterford 140# Cold Press

There’s a time, a special part of every woman’s life, breathless and eager, yet fearsome, too. That was what drew me to this pose of Anna: that time, that space; so young and yet still a woman…almost. 

As I painted, though, something more came out; something deeper, more primal. There is a knowing a very young woman doesn’t realize she has of who she is and who she can be. Of who and what our universe is and the secret of seeing it all. So I called this one Oracle. The ones I’ve read of were most always women. Sages are mostly male, it seems, and are the sum total of wisdom gained. Oracles know the future’s truth. They speak what they know as clearly as anyone living can. The great truths are too big for words, though, and people always think they know what they want. Almost always, the petitioner misunderstands.

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